【K-12教育讲座】如何培养有想象力、创造力和领导力孩子, 计划长远的未来,使孩子的人生百战百胜

疫情之下,面对未来大学招收规则的变化,我们和孩子已经非常迷茫。如果在小孩子的初高中面对未来大学招收规则的变化, 怎样建立人生的愿景长远的人生计划,减少家长和学生的很多迷茫,使人生立于不败之地。



感谢合办方升华基金会 (Be the Change Foundation)


How to raise creative leaders at the digital age? help your k-12 kids to establish life vision and strategy?

The world is changing rapidly. 4th industrial revolution/technology-driven Digital Transformation has started to disrupt how we live and work. Many jobs will be replaced by AI and other technologies. COVID-19 has accelerated the digital transformation process. As parents, even educators, it is very challenging to grasp the magnitude of the changes in social norms, technology, and even culture. The working rules and norms and experiences in the past may not apply anymore

As parents, are you confident that you have mastered all the necessary information, technology changes, future job market trends to guide your own children to a successful life and career?

Dr. Elizabeth Xu and 8 outstanding experts are going to share their insights on Oct 24, 2020. 2-3:30 PM PT

The topics are:

  • The changes in college admission and interviews
  • How to establish life vision and become the supportive and informative source of advice for our own k-12 kids?
  • Digital Transformation and future job trends.
  • How to get help from various experts in order to master the change of the world and technology?
  • Scholarships for Kids leadership and Creativity Bootcamps
  • Opportunities for volunteering and Internship for College students, M/H school students in Winter 2020

Please sign up for this event, you will not miss the opportunity to learn how to guide your kids with experts' help!!

Thanks, SV Cafe for being our event promotion partner!

Dr. Liz was teaching at Stanford Design School.

Life vision, leadership, Inspiration and Strategy Bootcamp - 5 Days

Dec 20 - Dec 24, 2020

Taught by professorial department chairman of MIT and Professor and Director of Stanford medical school, Dr. Elizabeth Xu, US president's son and Rockstars from Google, Apple, IBM etc.

Small working group of six people, assisted by college students from top universities.

5 day class taught by C-level executive, Professors from Stanford and MIT, Political leaders
Dec 19 - Dec 24 2020 Daily 10AM - 7:00 PM PDT
0 Lessons $2500.00
9 day class (A2C Life vision and Leadership Bootcamp + A2C Creativity and Innovation Bootcamp) taught by C-level executive, Professors from Stanford and MIT, Political leaders
Dec 19-23: 9:00 AM- 4:15 PM, Dec 27-30: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM PDT
0 Lessons $3200.00 $3360.00
4 Days Creativity Bootcamp,
Dec 27 - 30 2020 Daily 9:00 AM -3:30 PM PDT
0 Lessons $1480.00